
This Shirt Reminds Me of The Circus and I’m here for it!!!

Outfit Details: 
Shirt (similar here and here) | Jeans | Shoes (old but similar here ,here, and here
This shirt reminds me of the big top of a circus tent and I think that’s why I love it lol! It’s just different but still super cute! I told you guys in this post that I loveeee stripes and how excited I was about them being “on trend”. This won’t be the last  stripped shirt you guys see this season! 
In other news, I hope everyone’s week is going well. Here in Charlotte (well in the whole state of NC really), everyone is gearing up for Hurricane Florence. The stores that I have gone to have been cleared of just about everything you can imagine. My husband had to look on the other side of town for cases of water and canned goods. If we are being honest, I am a little nervous about this hurricane. I am very curious to see how this will impact Charlotte over the next few days. My husband, who grew up in South Florida, is completely unphased by the whole thing and is trying his best to keep me cool, calm, and collected. He pretty much has a hurricane “routine” and knows what to do and what to buy. Meanwhile, I am constantly watching the radars on various weather websites PANICKING! lol!
 On a more serious note, from the news reports that I am seeing, it is supposed to be really bad for the coast and a mandatory evacuation for the coast has been issued. As for where I live, I believe that we are only supposed to get really heavy rain and some wind (maybe some flooding)  but with mother nature, you just never really know whats going to happen. I just pray that everyone on the east coast stays warm, safe, and dry over the next few days. 
-XO, Elle 



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