
Weekly Updates: Coffee Syrup Recipe + Content Schedule

Hey Bestie! Welcome back to my weekly updates. I’m currently typing this post on Tuesday at 11am. I’m running a bit behind with getting this post up today. The past week or so I’ve been trying to get a content schedule down and I can’t seem to find one that works for me just yet. I think it’s going to take me a solid 2-3 months to get into the groove of using my camera and my phone for shooting content. AND adjusting to all of the edits and posts I have to make for each platform plus getting used to editing on my computer. So a LOT of adjustments but this is fun so I’m really enjoying it. It also gives me something to focus on thats just for me. As a stay at home parent, its really easy to lose yourself in the day to day with all of the things that the kids have to do and this really gives me the opportunity to express my creativity.

If you don’t already follow me on YouTube, instagram, and Pinterest. I post regularly on all three platforms and the post weekly updates on Tuesday’s here. My “official” posting schedule (for now) is….

Youtube – One Daily Vlog + One Short

Instagram – 2-3 Reels a day + Stories

Pinterest – Daily uploads

Bog – Weekly Updates (you’re here 💕)

Outside of the blog, you get to see the day to day of my life. I’m a stay at home mom of two toddler boys with huge personalities so there is NEVER a dull moment. Most of my content revolves around me navigating life as a mom who enjoys being a mom but also still enjoys doing things that make me happy. I make my own coffee syrups, post daily coffee videos, and my trips to the gym. I also run an Etsy shop where I sell digital planning templates, sticky notes, and planner inserts. You can shop my Etsy store here.

Okay, so lets get into this weeks updates:

Last Weeks Coffee Syrup Flavor

Toasted Marshmallow

I would rate this one a 7.5 out of 10. It was good but the Sage + Vanilla bean still holds the number one spot for me. This one was pretty simple to make but I wish it just had a little more of the marshmallow flavor. To me, this one just tasted like an elevated vanilla flavor. Im not really sure how to explain it other than that.

1 cup of water
1 cup of dark brown sugar
1 tablespoon of vanilla bean paste
15 toasted marshmallows

here’s to how to make it

broil your marshmallows to you liking

(this is what gives your syrup the toasted flavor)

add sugar , water , and toasted marshmallows to a sauce pan on medium heat and stir until the marshmallows are melted

add in vanilla bean paste and stir

allow to cool and pour into a mason jar

Preview this weeks flavor here: