
My 2024 Ins & Outs


I literally cannot believe that we are in 2024. 2023 must have had somewhere to be because that year FLEW BY! I mean, it was JUST July.

Anyway, in the spirit of the new year I am sharing my In’s and Out’s of 2024. I really want to focus on being more intentional with my time and my consumption (financially, media food, and drinks) so all of my in’s and outs revolve around that.

My In’s and Out’s of 2024

My In’s

Consistently taking my vitamins and supplements – I am terrible with this…I might just have to keep all of my vitamins/supplements in my bathroom so that I can keep up with taking them.

Saying “No” 

Embracing my emotions

Journaling – I made a custom planner with cloth & paper that I am in LOVE with. I chose a ring-bound planner with a few of the inserts that meet my needs. My favorite inserts are the lined note inserts, task delegation inserts, and journaling inserts. (the planner cover I chose is no longer available BUT here’s a similar one)

Self care – as a wife and mom I tend to put myself on the back burner a LOT but this year I am trying to be much more intentional about taking care of myself more frequently. I don’t want caring for myself to be an afterthought because when I feel my best, I can show up 100% for D and the boys. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

Posting whatever I want – I cannot niche down. I have tried but it doesn’t work for me. I like fashion, beauty, fitness, food, traveling, and DIY. I love so many things and trying to niche down was a hinderance to me and my growth. So, Im posting whatever I want. Catch the vibe.

Blogging more often – I miss it here.

Homemade meals 

Making fresh juices 

Cutting off negative influences

Daily walks


Now, here’s everything we are LEAVING in 2023:

My Out’s

Drive thru’s – sit down dinners with family/friends/dates with D only. Making coffee at home and packing the boys snacks & lunches for longer days.

Mindless scrolling

People pleasing 

Espresso martinis – I really feel y’all hyped this one for the aesthetic. Whiskey and coke for me ONLY

Imposter syndrome – walking into every room like God sent me there

Downplaying my achievements

-XO, Elle