
2024 Reading Goals + My Reading Essentials

Okay, so I haveee to start this post off with full transparency. I did not like reading for “fun” for most of my adult life. Like HATED it…would have rather eaten dirt by the handful than read a book kind of vibe. It actually was a running joke in my friend group that I would not read a book unless it had a pictures in it. I just could not calm my mind down enough to actually get through a book. One day, I realized this was because I wasn’t reading books that I was actually excited to read. I was trying to read books that other people were excited about. Once I started doing my own research and found books that I liked, that’s when the game changed for me. Reading was actually enjoyable.

Last year, I was able to get through 1 book but this year I have set my reading goal to at least 2 books (three only if I can get through the first two)

I have my 2024 reading list linked here.

I’m currently reading the first book on my list which is Atomic Habits by James Clear. I actually started reading this one last year and didn’t get the chance to finish it but I plan on finishing it up by the end of this month just in time for the release of the second book on my list. Atomic Habits is one of those books that can really help you become the best version of yourself. It’s one of those books that everyone can take key points away from and really improve their way of life and implement ways to accomplish both old and new goals. You can find it here.

I am one of those people that likes to take notes while I’m reading. I have always loved to write things down and take notes so I’m using a habit that I’m already pretty solid on to help me explore a new hobby. Taking notes while I’m reading also helps me stay focused. I am naturally a daydreamer and taking notes helps me to remain focused on what Im reading.

Here are my reading essentials:

Transparent Sticky Notes ( I like the colors almond + coconut)

Pens For The Sticky Notes


-Xo, Elle