Beauty, Lifestyle

How I Cut and Bleach My Hair

So I get a ton of questions (usually while I’m out and about) about how I cut and dye my hair. More specifically what products I use and how I use them. SInce I get so many questions about it, I decided to make an entire post dedicated to my hair! 

(I would like to add that I am not a hairdresser/stylist at alllll! These are just the techniques that I use to achieve the look that I like) 

Cutting My Hair 

 Step one: First things first, I cut my hair. I use my husbands clippers and I usually don’t have much of a method for how I do it. I sort of just go for it! I like my hair superrrr low so there is pretty much no way for me to mess it up (at least I think haha!). I go over it a few times making sure everything is even and then I move on to the next step. 

Bleaching My Hair 

Step Two: This is the longest step out of the entire process. I mix my powdered bleach with a 30 volume creme developer. I cut the package of bleach open and pour the entire package into this mixing bowl that I got from Sally’s. I then pour in the developer little by little until I get the consistency of cake batter. Once I reach that consistency, I use this flat brush to apply it to my hair. I leave the bleach on for about 25 minutes (sometimes longer if I want it lighter). During the 25 minutes, I constantly check my hair to make sure I am getting the results that I want. I do this by wiping a little bit of the bleach of with toilet paper and checking the color of my hair. If I am satisfied, I rinse it out with cold water and then shampoo one time. 

 Finally, Toning My Hair. 

Step Three: This is my favorite step because your toner can really kick your hair up a notch. Toning is super necessary (IMO) for taking the brassiness ( that orangey-ness)  out of your bleached hair. Above are the toners I have used (or I am currently used). My favorite out of the ones above is the WELLA T18! This gives that flawless platinum blonde color. The only thing about this toner that I don’t like is that if you leave it on for too long it can turn your hair purple-y gray (which I have done before! and my husband thought it was the coolest thing because he said I looked like storm lol!). If that happens, don’t panic and start crying (like I did!), just jump in the shower and shampoo about five times and the purple color will rinse out for the most part. 

When mixing the toner, I’m always just sort of eyeballing it. The directions say use 1 part toner and 2 parts 20 Volume WELLA developer so I try to get as close to that as possible. I mix these in a plastic bowl from Sally’s with a brush and apply it to my hair. I let this sit in my hair for about 25 minutes and then rinse it out with shampoo ( at least 3 times) and condition my hair. 

And that’s it! The whole process takes about 1 hour to an hour and a half. 

-XO, Elle