
Why I Was In Chicago For A Week


Outfit Details: 

Sweater (purchased on sale at The North Bridge Mall Nordstrom) | Jeans | Shoes (soooo comfy!) | Belt (my Gucci belt purchase guide is here) | Sunglasses (Purchased From the Nordstrom at North Bridge Mall) 
Hey guys! 
Sorry for the lack of posts in the past week or so. Last week we got some pretty devastating news that my husband’s grandmother was in the hospital and she might not make it through the week. We rushed up to Chicago as soon as we could and spent the week there. Fortunately, his grandmother ended up pulling through and is close to being her old self again! (Which is amazing!!) This was the first time I have ever met his grandmother and she is definitely my kind of woman. She is full of life, jokes, and sarcastic comments which I completely appreciate. I am so glad that we are able to get a little bit more time with her! 
Since this wasn’t a “vacation” I didn’t get a ton of outfits in as I normally would or do a bunch of touristy things but I will share the things that I did get to do, buy, and eat while I was there. Chicago is a beautiful place but I really don’t think I could ever live there. The cold weather is just brutal!! (haha!) Not but seriously,  I had to buy two winter coats just to make it through the week! 
-XO, Elle