Hey Guys!
Today I am sharing my 1 month postpartum update. I am actually a little behind on this update since I will be 7 weeks postpartum this week but I really wanted to get this one in before I have to do my 2 month update! lol
Postpartum Update:
My weight: During pregnancy I didn’t gain a whole lot of weight because I was sick the entire time and I hated most foods. When I gave birth I was 185 pounds but at my last doctors appointment I weighed 165. Even though I lost all of my baby weight I still need to tone my body (especially my stomach) because everything is just so much softer post baby! I feel like a marshmallow. I hoped that I would be able to get out and take walks but I am honestly not very comfortable going out. So what I think I will do is start doing some at home workouts. When I find one that I like, I will share them with you and I will also share my “body progress” on here as well so you guys can see.
My emotions: When we first got home I was all over the place emotionally. I would cry or get easily overwhelmed quite often. As the weeks have gone by and we have gotten more of a “schedule” , I feel much more confident in my ability to parent and have a lot less of the moments where I feel overwhelmed.
Pumping: I have a strong love-hate relationship with pumping I really like that I can make food for my son but the task of pumping is just a lot! Making the time to pump and cleaning the parts for the pump take up a lot of time throughout the day. When faced with the choice of cleaning the pump parts or taking a nap…the nap always wins which is not always the best. For me to keep my supply where it needs to be I cannot miss a pumping session so I need to start being more consistent with cleaning the parts. Pumping is a LOT easier when my husband is home because he cleans the parts for me immediately after I pump which is such a HUGE help.
Blood Pressure: I was diagnosed with preeclampsia during my pregnancy and was induced. For those of you that don’t know, preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication that can cause high blood pressure and a host of other things. It can be dangerous to mama and baby and the only cure is delivery. Your blood pressure can go back down pretty quickly after birth but mine has taken up until now and a bunch of medication to finally stabilize. I am hoping that they will start weening me off of all of these medications soon because I do not like taking medicine. I would much prefer to be on as little medication as possible.
Contraceptive: Before getting pregnant I was on nexplanon (the arm implant) and HATED it. I spotted the entire time (almost 2 years) I was on it and it was miserable. I knew that I would not get back on that and for sure did not want the IUD so I opted for the mini pill. I just started it so I am curious to see how it goes. I will be sure to include an update on this in the rest of my postpartum updates.
Would ya’ll like a monthly update on Baby Sage??
-Xo, Elle