Outfit Details:
Jeans (similar here and here) | Shirt (similar here…also love this one) | Shoes (on sale!) | Necklace | Earrings | Hat| Full Makeup Details Here
Hey y’all!
I am writing this post while bingeing YouTube videos, watching Sage sleep on the baby monitor, and patiently impatiently waiting for some packages to get dropped off by UPS. Sine we moved further out, UPS comes so late in the day. This can be a good and bad thing. Its good because it forces me to be more prepared when creating blog content. I can’t expect packages at 10 am like I used to at our old place which means I can never depend on any items to be here to make or finish my outfit. It’s bad though because when I really need a piece to finish off a look, I can’t depend on it to be here early enough for me to have the energy to shoot with it. I know I know, 1st world problems! lol
Any way, I hope y’all are having a great week! One more day to the weekend!
XO, Elle