Good Morning!
Today’s post looks a tad different than my usual fashion and makeup posts. If you follow me on insta then, you know why. But if you don’t follow me there, then I’m here to tell you….things look different today because NONE of my outfits for the week have shown up. Not one pair of sunglasses or tube of lipstick…I mean nothing. Everything is still in transit (lol!). Of course I know that this is a first world problem for sure…this just sucks because I have a formula that I stick to when it comes to blogging and I was not anticipating this delay which means I didn’t really have a back up plan. After plenty of sulking and double and triple checking my tracking numbers, I decided I should let it go and just improvise. After all, the blog is mine and I can write/show what I want. So here we are with a life update! ๐
First things first, I have started a new hobby and that is working out. It has really been a great outlet for me and it is the one thing that I get to do every single day for myself. After becoming a mom, I got so wrapped up in all things baby that there were so many days that I didn’t do one thing for myself and that includes eating… in the early days eating and showering. It was BAD. Although I loveeeee being a mom, I found myself becoming resentful because I never got a moment to myself. Knowing the type of calm, cool, and collected parent I want to be, being resentful did not fit into that equation so I quickly tried to find something that would allow me to have some me time. I went down my mental list of things I wanted to accomplish this year and stopped at getting healthy and working out more. Without hesitation, I knew this was MY thing. After seeing several commercials promoting the peloton app, I downloaded it and have been working out pretty consistently ever since. I usually do 20-30 min workouts during Sage’s nap and that counts as my me time. After I workout, I feel more like me and more like the parent I am aiming to be. It’s very easy to get wrapped up in being a parent but it is also very important to remember you can’t pour from an empty cup. Working out is how I fill up my cup so that I can fill Sage up with all of the love, affection, and attention that he deserves. The narrative I grew up hearing was that once you become a parent its no longer about you and I think thats true to a point. Things change and there is a shift in focus but I think you can’t completely forget about yourself in the process of parenting. You are still a person that needs love and nurturing and it is important to take care of yourself too. Even if it is just ONE thing a day.
-XO, Elle