
Travel With Me: 24 Hours in NOLA, BABY!

(My good friend took these in-front of our Airbnb! She’s such a great photographer!) 

So over the weekend one of my good friends and I took an unexpected journey to New Orleans. My friend had a bachelorette party to attend there and due to other obligations would have had to make the drive (10 hours and 30 mins)  completely alone! Of course I couldn’t have let her drive that far on her own, so I decided to embark on this journey with her and I am so glad I did. First, I have never been past Tennessee (I’ve been all up and down the east coast)  so I was thrilled to see what other parts of the country look like. We set out on our journey on Friday around 5:30 pm (I think) and drove through the night. We spent our time jamming out to our favorite songs and chatting about work and family. Of course we made more stops that we should have and turned a 10 hour 30 min trip into a 12 hour trip!

When we finally arrived to our Airbnb at 5:30 am Saturday morning we crashed and got a whopping 2 1/2 hours of sleep. I woke up around 8 am so that I could beat the crowd in the shower (did I forget to mention there were 11 girls and only 2 bathrooms lol!) and have some decent mirror time (lol!). While I waited for everyone to get up, I sat on the porch and enjoyed the scenery and the morning breeze. Once everyone got up (and FINALLY got dressed) we headed to the French Quarter to explore the city.

(enjoying the breeze, waiting for everyone to rise and shine!) 

First things first, this place is BEAUTIFUL! It looks just like the pictures you see on pinterest (or as I kept saying…the princess and the frog!) The first stop was cafe du monde to get beingnets. They are actually pretty good and far more dense than I expected. The texture is very similar to a funnel cake and they are relatively cheap (3 for a little over $2). It was wayyyy to hot to eat all three, so my friend that I drove down with shared an order along with me and the bride to be.

Next, we took pictures on these steps where they had a 300 sign. At first we didn’t realize what this number meant (I immediately thought of the move 300/Sparta)  but then we figured out that the 300 represented the 300 years NOLA has been a city! How amazing is that?! 

Lastly, after a shower and an outfit change, we went to dinner at Saint and Sinners (the brides choice! and Channing Tatum’s restaurant). I was really worried about the food here because New Orleans is KNOWN for their amazing shellfish dishes and I have shellfish allergies and dairy allergies so I was afraid I’d be stuck eating saltine crackers until I got home. Fortunately, this was not the case. There were a few options new for me to choose from and I decided on the red beans and rice with andouille sausage. IT WAS SOOOOOOO GOOD! (like wayyy better than what I expected) 

On Sunday, we woke up around 8 am and got back on the road to head home! If we had been able to stay longer, we would have enjoyed some brunch with the rest of the girls at Ruby Slipper. The menu alone had my mouth watering and I would have lovveeed to try it if I had the time! 

– XO, Elle

(Lastly, I saw the superdome!!!)