Motherhood Pregnancy

First Trimester Update || Morning Sickness, Growing Bump, + 2 under 2

trying to hide my pooch in this pic (lol)

snapped this outside of the doctors office after my first HCG test

Hey Guys!

I’m back with a growing bump! I know it has been a while since my last post but I have been dealing with some SERIOUS morning sickness (well actually, all day sickness) and I haven’t had the energy to try and post. Fortunately, I am starting to feel a little better and I am going to try my best to document this pregnancy until I push! Let’s hope I can make it happen. 🙂 With that, lets start off small with this first trimester bump date.

First Symptoms

With this pregnancy, D and I were “trying but not trying” so I wasn’t really on the look out for symptoms like I was when we were tying to get pregnant with Sage. I honestly didn’t think we would get pregnant so quickly and I assumed it would take a few months for us to conceive so I wasn’t trying to overthink the process (as best as I could, any way lol). The only symptom that I had was some very light spotting a few days before my period which is really odd for me. I usually don’t spot before my period so it kind of threw me off. I initially thought I was having a miscarriage but D sat down and looked at the dates (because I started panicking) and realized that there was no way I could have conceived and miscarried in the amount of time that had passed so he suggested that I chill out and then take a test a little closer to my period. A few days later, I took a test and sure enough…he was right. The lines were very faint but they were definitely there. I was SO SHOCKED. D was super excited. I’m not going to lie, it took a moment for it to sink in for me. Not because I wasn’t excited but because it happened so quickly and because the lines were so FAINT. I couldn’t even believe that D could see them because I thought I was seeing things! Of course I took another test and sure enough…another faint positive but a positive nonetheless.

I didn’t start to feel really sick until around week 6 and when it hit, it hit HARD. It was like a switch flipped. One day I was fine and then the next I could barely stand up for 2 minutes without having to throw up. It has been pretty bad from that point until now. The morning sickness has actually been wayyy worse this time around which is hard for me to wrap my brain around. It’s actually been so bad that I’ve had to go to the infusion center a few times a week to help combat the dehydration. (For anyone that doesn’t know, the infusion center is a place where people get IV’s for various reasons.) Other than the morning sickness I have experienced: really bad headaches, exhaustion, food aversions, mood swings, heartburn, sleeplessness, and vivid dreams (when I can sleep).


I had aversions to most foods my last pregnancy and its pretty much the same with this one. Everything smells weird, tastes sour, or tastes like chalk. I pretty much just have to force myself to eat whatever I can keep down or eat whatever I am craving at that moment and hope it stays down. I even hate the taste of water which is making it that much more difficult for me to stay hydrated. I’m hoping this time the aversions calm down sooner than later but I’m braced to have these aversions for the long haul as I did with my first pregnancy. It’s temporary and I had no issues with food after Sage popped out so I am sure it’ll be the same deal with baby #2.


Soooo yes! We know the gender of the baby but we aren’t telling anyone. We kept everyone team green with Sage and it was really fun to share the news once he got here. I have been fibbing though and telling people that we don’t know. I know that sounds so bad but in my defense, as soon as people find out that we know they gender they start prying and trying to get you to “slip up” and tell them which gets old really quickly. Keeping the gender a secret also deters people from feeling like they have a say in the baby’s name. If they don’t know the gender, they can’t throw a name out there…simple (lol!).


I haven’t gained any weight. In fact, since I’ve been so sick I’ve actually lost weight. I was 156 before I got pregnant with Sage and at my last prenatal appointment I was 148. I go back to the doctor today and I am hoping Ive gained at least a little bit. If not, I will just keep doing all I can to stay as hydrated as I possibly can.

Body Changes:

My belly popped much faster this time. I wasn’t really showing with my first pregnancy until I was 17/18 weeks. This time around, I started showing around 10 weeks and I deff have an obvious bump now at 15 weeks. My boobs are really swollen so none of my bras really fit and everything is soooo sore this time. I don’t recall being this sore at this point with Sage but OH MAN my whole body constantly feels like I’ve run a marathon. My back hurts all of the time and my calfs ACHE.

Instagram Questions:

How does it feel when your body is transitioning?

I think the best way to explain this, at least for me, is tight and achey. The “growing pains” started much sooner this time and since they started I have had sooo many aches, pains, and feelings of tightness.

How is it being pregnant and having a toddler?

One word, CHAOTIC! It’s a wild time over here these days. I have had to learn to “let go” so much in this stage of life. There are just so many things I can’t do because I am tired or things that don’t get done because any extra energy I have I want to make sure I dedicate it to Sage. I have had to really just learn to go with the flow as best as I can and understand that the way I feel is temporary. In a few short months, I will have my energy back and my body back and if I can push through this, I will benefit in the end.

-XO, Elle